Can't wait to listen to this, this podcast was made for me

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Foucault was against the dramatization of sex and made clear how historical contingent was the melodramatic and dogmatic equation of sex with value. Sadly both woke and conservative voices neglect this aspect of his argument and engage in moral campaigns and demonetization of sex transgression. Sadly your second-wave feminism allies with it.

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After 25 years +, we know post-modernism criticizes Western institutions and liberalism. (Kuznar 2008:78) by

1 questioning reality and representation (it's all “fake news”),

2- isolating text and language as the central “phenomena” of existence, (making social media, archived documents as the battlegrounds)

3- applying literary analysis to all “phenomena” (words and images are the weapons.). Qualitative analysis (opinions and feelings) trumps (pun intended) quantitative analysis (votes)

4- criticizes “metanarratives” by counter-storytelling. (all history, literature, religion is wrong/biased) promoting “progressive nihilism”.

5- overfocuses on “power” relations and “hegemony”, (rebranded as “structuralism”, or “post structuralism”.)

6- argues against method and evaluation (anti- science) eg- potions trump vaccines.

So if Foucault walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck and says he isn't a duck, he's not a duck. He's just an assemblage bits and pieces, held together by the intolerable tension of an over bearing integument.

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